E009: What Now?


Another tragedy. Another trauma. Another strike to the heart. Another life gone. Another spark to ignite keyboard wars on social media. Another thing to divide an already divided nation. Is it possible to hold a real, uniting discussion in our country anymore? Is it possible to put our political biases side long enough to come together with a common goal? What now? That's the question we are grappling with on this special episode. We've invited our social scientist friend, Dr. Kimo Quaintance, back on the show to help us gain some clarity on how we can move forward. This important and timely discussion is one that we all need to participate in, regardless of our political affiliation.

Cover photo: By Leslie Campbell. Photo taken of the Houston Chronicle cover story from Wed., Feb. 18, 2018, Vol. 117. No. 131
Article: Wired Magazine, ‘Inside The Two Years That Shook Facebook - And The World’ https://www.wired.com/story/inside-facebook-mark-zuckerberg-2-years-of-hell/